Thursday, 17 May 2012

Wishes in the park

Unit X has lead me to doing installation art for the first time. Seeing as I have been inspired by wish trees I was intrigued to see what would happen if I put some of the wishes I collected in All Saints Park. This whole project has been a social experiment.

And what a response! My main aim to go to the park was to photograph my wishes outside however members of the public couldn't help but be curious as to what I was doing.

As human beings we like to be part of something. We like to be connected to the world around us.
These two girls couldn't help but be nosy and read the wishes. They are asked if they could write their own wishes but unfortunately I had no spare tags on me, despite this, their genuine interest in the project still left me with a sense of achievement. 

These two students had just come back from the Students Union bar, where they had just written me a wish and placed it inside the box I left there! I am thrilled that people among the Oxford Road area are recognising my project.

This wish was created by a child and probably sums up a majority of the public's wishes!

Unfortunately being only 5'3 I had to have some help putting them on the branches! 

If I wasn't using the wishes to put on my wire installation at Hotspur House I think I may have left them in the park. I might consider this when the exhibition goes down, as the trees looked much  more attractive with a splash of colour and the public could read them until the writing fades.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah you have created something fabulous!
    I love how you have involved the public, there is nothing like spontaneous participation.
