Thursday, 10 May 2012

Trees for Hannah

Carol Hummel, worked on this installation in India, building upon the Indian tradition of wrapping string around banyan trees to make wishes come true. Each day she wrapped the tree in the colours of the flags of the 9 countries that possess nuclear warheads. As the strings were wrapped, the colours wove together to form a beautiful fabric, an analogy about the hope that by interweaving our cultures, we can create something of beauty instead of destruction.

Yoko Ono - created an installation using 21 Myrtle trees, 80,000 people wrote individual wishes on tags and hung them on the trees, a snap shot into peoples hearts. These were then "harvested" to be placed in a specially constructed capsules surrounding the area surrounding Yoko Ono's Imagine Peace Tower off the coast of Reykjavik, Iceland, which is dedicated to John Lennon.


  1. The thread wrapped tree is wonderful, it is different to the urban knitting and crochet we have seen so far. If only leaders of nations would listen to artists and stop the arms race.
    Yoko Ono had a bad press in the Lennon years. I always thought her work was interesting, she has continued to create and her age has never stopped her from being on the cutting edge of contemporary art.

  2. Thanks Pip, this is great. I'm abit out of my comfort zone for this project so seeing examples of other installations with trees really helps, I'm adding these images to my moodboard! Always been a John & Yoko fan, its a shame her music isn't as good as her inspiring artwork!!
