Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Stockport Hat Museum

I had a trip to Stockport Hat Museum, It covers the history of hats through to present day.
Hats have been made in Stockport since the 17th Century at this time hats were made from knitted and felted wool and animal fur
At the end of the 19th Century there were over 30 hat factories in Stockport, which is amazing considering the size of the town, the trend then was felt, woolen cloth and stiffened silk.
Manchester focused on the cotton industry.

Wooden hat moulds - I love them!

These two hats are stunning, achieved by laser cutting

hat made of straws

African style

It appears that Stockport was once regarded a grim place, many of the hatters lived in little cottages around the Hillgate area, the 1891 census showed that there were 132 families in this area who had only one room to live in.

This standard of living was described by the social historian F.Engels 1844 as:
"Stockport is notoriously one of the darkest and smokiest holes in the industrial area, and particuarly when seen from the viaduct presents a truly revolting picture. But the cottage and celler dwellings of the workers are even more unplesent to look at. I do not remember seeing elsewhere in the Manchester industrial district so many inhabited cellers in proportion to the total number of houses."  


  1. Do you know who made the laser cut ones? I'd love to see what else they've done.

  2. They were made by Emma Yeo, type her into Google image, she is a truly talented individual!

  3. These are stunning, I love your images also. The mad hatter from Alice was based on hatters who had to use a dangerous chemical, mercury perhaps? It made them ill, appearing mad. The wooden hat blocks and tools are objects of beauty before they were even used.

  4. Who would of though a Hat museum had so much to show! The wooden laser cut one reminds me of the piece Pip made in the last project, layering the sticks almost making a hat type model. I wonder what our hats would look like if we all made one?
